Caring for Your Brush

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Some patients of our Federal Way Dentistry are suffering from a poorly maintained toothbrush. Though this may seem like a simple enough device with a simple enough function, there is a number of ways that your brush can fail you and even start doing more harm than good. In order to get the most out of your brushing routine, make sure that your brush is up to the task.

First of all, you should remember to change your brush at least every three months. This is generally how long it takes for the bristles to be worn down too much to give you an effective brushing. They become weaker, they begin to jut out at odd angles, and they’re just not lifting plaque away like they should. You may need to get a new brush more frequently if you brush your teeth particularly hard, or if you are suffering from gum disease.

Another problem that can afflict your brush is bacteria build up. Your brush is bound to be exposed to bacteria in your mouth, and these can quickly multiply deep within your bristles. To combat this, it’s a good idea to store your brush upright; this better allows it to dry out between brushings, which makes it a more hostile environment for microbes. You can also periodically dip the bristles in hot water, or an antibacterial mouthwash. Do not microwave a toothbrush or attempt to wash it in your dishwasher; these can damage your brush.

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