Dental Care and Diabetes

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Be sure to tell our Federal Way Dentistry if you suffer from diabetes, as this is a condition with many unfortunate implications on your oral health. Diabetes impairs your body’s ability to battle infections while simultaneously giving you a more sugar-rich saliva, and this adds up to an increased chance of periodontal disease. Furthermore, in the event that you are afflicted with gum disease, this will in turn aggravate your diabetes; it’s a vicious cycle that you must be careful not to fall into.

To avoid complications, you must be particularly mindful of your oral health. Keeping your blood sugar under control is a good way to stave off gum disease. You probably spread your eating out more throughout the day, and this is harder on your teeth; rinse out your mouth more to get rid of the harmful acids caused by your frequent meals. Keep your dentist updated on the status of your diabetes with every dentist, as well as the medication you are taking and the contact information for your diabetes doctor.

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