Don’t Brush Too Soon after Eating!

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The common wisdom is that you should brush after every meal. The logic seems to make sense: if you brush away the food detritus as soon as possible, it doesn’t get much time to attack your mouth. However, your Federal Way Dentistry advises that the practice of brushing directly after eating can actually do you more harm than good.

When you eat, your mouth is exposed to a brutal, acidic attack. Many foods contain acids, and the ones that don’t are feeding the bacteria in your mouth so that they can produce acids. These acids weaken the enamel of your teeth such that it can be more easily stripped away. Even a routine brushing can actually contribute to your tooth decay, removing this fragile layer to let the bacteria down into the more vulnerable dentin. With this in mind, it is best to wait after meals to allow your enamel to recover before you dive in with your toothbrush.

To help your enamel, it’s always a good idea to rinse your mouth out with water after a meal, or drink some milk to help neutralize the acid. And as always, remember to make your regular appointments with Bella Dental to get the fluoride rinses you need to keep your enamel in tip-top shape.

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