The Importance of Baby Teeth

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Some parents don’t think that their children’s baby teeth are worth worrying about too much. After all, baby teeth, or “primary teeth”, are only going to fall out in a few years anyway. However, this is a potentially dangerous attitude that your Federal Way dentist strongly cautions you against.

Remember that your child’s primary teeth are the first teeth he or she gets, and are therefore the teeth that he or she will be using throughout the important developmental years. They play an important role in learning how to chew food and develop proper speaking patterns, and any crooked or painful teeth are going to inhibit these functions in ways that are very difficult to rectify. Also, a proper smile is important to the development of a child’s fragile self-esteem. Starting life with a strong set of teeth can do wonders to helping a child grow into a strong, capable adult.

Finally, when the permanent teeth start coming in, they are being guided by the teeth that they are replacing. Crooked or absent baby teeth can translate to misplaced permanent teeth, which pose a much more serious problem. With this in mind, make sure to instill in your child proper dental care right away, and get him or her to our Federal Way dentist for all appropriate dental treatments.

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