Your Mouth vs. Your Oral Jewelry

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Do you have a piercing in your lip, tongue, or cheek? As much as a well-chosen bit of facial jewelry can have a certain romance to it, your Federal Way Dentistry advises you to take particular care of your teeth while sporting such adornments. Oral piercings put you at a lot of extra risk of damage to your teeth and gums.

First of all, the rings and studs that you put into your mouth have the potential to crack your teeth. Metal jewelry, in particular the barbell-style tongue studs, are easy to bite down on. Nearly half of people wearing such studs have at least one chipped tooth after four years.

Oral jewelry also increases your risk of gum disease. Not only does the harsh metal rub against the delicate tissues of your gums, but the extra surface areas provided by the jewelry only offer bacteria another surface to cling to. These surfaces are difficult to clean, and are just as active in producing tooth-melting acids as any other part of your mouth.

With this in mind, try talking to your dentist if you either have an oral piercing or are planning to get one. There may be measures you can take to help assure that your new look doesn’t compromise your beautiful smile at some point down the line.

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