Your Teeth vs. Smoking

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You probably don’t need our Federal Way Dentistry to tell you that you should stop smoking. However, the fact remains that smokables and tobacco products have at least as much of a negative impact on your oral health as they do on your lungs, heart, or any other part of your body.

Smoking doesn’t just give you bad breath and stained teeth. Tobacco has a way of affecting the way the soft tissues in your mouth attach to your bones. It impairs blood flow to your gums, and interferes with normal cell function. This puts you at greater risk of gum disease, and slows down their ability to recover from damage. Meanwhile, the smoke you inhale inflames the salivary gland openings in your mouth, which hinders your ability to wash away harmful substances from your teeth. This leads to increased buildup of plaque.

And if this wasn’t enough, you’re sharing many of these problems with the people around you. Secondhand smoke takes its toll on the teeth of your children and loved ones. So, for the sake of your teeth and the teeth of your friends and family, do what it takes to kick the habit today.

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