What Toothpaste Should My Child Use?

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Fluoride is an important part of keeping your teeth healthy. This is the substance that rebuilds your enamel, repairing the damage of the acids that break them down. This is why our Federal Way dentistry clinic advises that all children should start using a fluoride-based toothpaste as soon as they start showing teeth.

If your child is under three years old, a light smear of toothpaste that covers less than three quarters of the brush should do just fine. Look for a toothpaste that has at least 1,000 ppm (parts per million) of fluoride. Children between the ages of three and six years old should use a pea-sized drop of toothpaste of between 1,350-1,500 ppm of fluoride. Teach your children to not swallow their toothpaste, as ingesting large amounts of fluoride is not healthy.

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