Do I Need a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

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Like many dental centers, our Federal Way Dentistry offers wisdom tooth extractions to the patients who require them. If you dread the day that you’ll have to have your wisdom teeth pulled, the good news is twofold: first of all, dental technology has progressed to a point where a tooth extraction is a simple and painless process. Secondly, contrary to popular belief, there’s a decent chance that you may not need to have a wisdom tooth extraction at all.

Wisdom teeth only represent a problem when they are crowding your other teeth. This can throw your jaw out of alignment and cause all sorts of dental problems. This occurs in many people, as the average human mouth simply isn’t big enough to accommodate these extra teeth. However, when somebody is lucky enough to comfortably live with their wisdom teeth, they can be a valuable addition to your chewing patterns.

Further, some people don’t get their full set of wisdom teeth at all. You may grow only a couple of teeth, or get away without growing any. Watch the development of your teeth with your dentist to find out if a wisdom tooth extraction will be right for you.

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