Oral Cancer Warning Signs

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Though you can benefit from a regular oral cancer screening when you visit our Federal Way Dentistry, it always pays to be vigilant throughout the year.  Keep an eye out for the following warning signs of this deadly cancer, and alert your dentist if you have any concerns.

  • Unusual lumps, or rough, eroded, or crusty areas on the lips, in your neck, or inside your mouth.

  • Velvety red or white patches in the mouth, or a speckled red and white patch.

  • Bleeding in the mouth.

  • Pain, tenderness, or loss of feeling in the face, mouth, neck or ear.

  • Sores in the face, neck or mouth that bleed easily and don’t heal on their own within two weeks.

  • A sore throat, or a feeling that you have something caught in the back of your throat that doesn’t go away.

  • Difficulty chewing and swallowing, or a decreased mobility in the jaw or tongue.

  • Persistent hoarseness, slurred speech or other vocal problems.

  • A change in how your teeth fit together.

  • Unexplained weight loss.

Obviously, any one of these could be something entirely harmless or a symptom of an entirely different condition.  In any case, it is best to bring it to your dentist and spare yourself the worst.

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