Tooth-Friendly Nutrition

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Everybody knows that a tooth-friendly diet involves cutting back on the refined sugars. However, there is also a number of important nutrients you should make sure to get enough of in order to get the best out of your mouth. Get enough of the following in your diet, and you should be well on your way towards favorable oral health:

  • Calcium: This mineral is used to make new teeth and bones.
  • Vitamin D: Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium.
  • Vitamin C: If you don’t get enough of this vitamin, you invite loose teeth and weak gums upon yourself.
  • Fiber and Whole Grains: When you consume low sugar, high fiber foods like crunchy vegetables and grains, they can act as a natural toothbrush as you chew.

Talk to our Federal Way dentistry clinic for more information on how you can tailor your diet towards achieving strong oral health.

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