Wear Your Mouthguard!

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Our Federal Way dentistry clinic recommends that anyone who participates in contact sports, and even some of the more brutal non-contact sports, wear mouthguards during their chosen form of athletics. A proper guard gives you invaluable assurance against horrible dental injuries. Even children participating at a “pee wee” level, where injuries may be fewer and less severe, should get started on mouthguards if only to become accustomed to them. They can take some time to get used to, but if an athlete begins wearing them at a young age, they will shortly start feeling comfortable and natural.

There are several options available when it comes to buying a mouthguard, and the quality of protection that you get is going to match the quality of the product. The cheapest mouthguards are not designed to fit the unique form of your teeth and are therefore less comfortable and offer less protection. “Boil and bite” mouthguards are an inexpensive way to custom-fit a guard to your mouth, but these can be unreliable and difficult to fit. The best way to make that you’re getting the most beneficial mouth guard is through a dental professional. Please contact Bella Dental for more information.

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